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Poker Tournaments. Sit & Go.

Poker Tournaments. Sit & Go.
By: Ian Johnson

Poker Tournaments – this is what magnetize poker players the most. No matter if a big tourney on TV to watch or a satellite online to play. One of the famous poker players said once that cash games are mostly for the money, but poker tournaments are for fame. There’s a lot of truth in that sentence.
We can earn big money by playing cash games, but it is not the essence of the sport rivalry. Thanks to that many people started to notice that poker is a sport, that the tournament is the sport.

Poker tournaments require more skills than cash games do. In the cash games – if someone prefers to play tight he might wait ages for the good cards. Blinds comparing to the stakes are low and they aren’t raised. There is no pressure of time. Poker tournament on the other hand require a constant change of the style. Blinds keep raising, we have to control our own stack in compare to the blinds, other players’ stacks and general results in the tournament.

Sit&Go Tournament
These tournaments are the most popular online. There is no start hour and the number of players is limited. We have one table tournaments, which start as soon as 8, 9, 10 players will join and two or multiple table games, which start once the players join the game.

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Sit and Go Tournaments are available to anyone at any time. This is why they’re so popular. We can find an interesting tournaments at any time, signup and wait at least 5- 10 minutes. These tournaments have a quite aggressive structure of the blinds (1500 chips and 10 minutes levels.

Multiple Tables Freezout.
These poker tournaments are also popular, mostly because of the huge winning pot. In this kind of games we have a few thousands players. Freezout is this kind of poker tournament, when once we’ve lost all our chips we don’t have a chance to redeem ourselves. Because of the huge number of the poker players we have to find at least 4 hours to play in it.
Big freezouts are the best tournaments in poker. Beside that they give a chance to check our skills against hundreds, thousands players and give a possibility to win big prizes. If you are willing to play with 30 – 50$ buy-in you might also meet the celebs of the poker world.

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Jey Raul said...

I hope, I will be ready to participate in tourneys. I just started play pokies online.